Dr. Peffley offers CoolSculpting Elite for permanent, non-surgical body contouring!

Call (503) 507-7900 or fill out the form below:
Freeze away stubborn fat with CoolSculpting Elite!
Eliminate unwanted fat cells for a slimmer, more sculpted physique with CoolSculpting Elite.
This non-surgical, fat-freezing procedure reduces stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise. No needles. No surgery. No downtime.
CoolSculpting Elite’s dual applicators allow treating two areas at once.
Newly re-designed applicators feature a C-Shaped contour, allowing for increased tissue contact, improved suction, and a more even cooling result.
CoolSculpting Elite is a safe and effective, non-surgical solution to permanent fat reduction with NO DOWNTIME!
Call (503) 507-7900 or fill out the form below:

FREE Consultation
Find a convenient time to spend with Dr. Peffley and his staff. This is when we figure out what YOU want to do. Discuss how CoolSculpting Elite can help you achieve your goals. Make sure Dr. Peffley and his staff are the right fit for you. We look forward to hearing from you.

HONEST Recommendation
Honesty and trust are the foundation of a successful relationship between a patient and a physician. Our sole purpose is to provide competent, compassionate, and meaningful treatment to our patients. If Coolsculpting Elite is not right for you, we’re not going to recommend it.

Treatment to transformation typically requires two treatments over 4-6 weeks and will be fully apparent 90 days after your last treatment. If you follow the recommended treatment plan, and the results aren’t what we discussed, we’ll treat you again at NO CHARGE.
Non-surgical fat reduction! No scalpel. No drains. No scar.
We understand how body shape and image influence self-esteem. What you see on the outside can affect how you feel on the inside. Simple changes in contours can translate into a boosted self-image and self-assurance!
Thankfully, CoolSculpting Elite offers a non-surgical solution for fat reduction.
Don’t think for a second that you “need” this to “be better.” You are awesome the way you are (unless you are a super villain). It is OK to “want” this to treat yourself, to feel better.
Start your transformation with us. We are a small-town, small-team of three who share the same struggles and desires as you. We’re not a fancy clinic with white coats, white walls, or white furniture.
You’ll feel at home, part of our family, supported, encouraged, and held to no expectations. No judgement or pressure from us … we don’t have the time or desire to do so).
We are, however, fortunate enough to be in a position to help you achieve your goals and are ready and excited to help you BOLSTER YOUR CONFIDENCE.

How CoolSculpting Elite Works

Most of us have unwanted pockets of fat which are resistant to diet and exercise!

CoolSculpting Elite can target those pockets, applying its cooling technology to just the fat cells. Fat cells crystalize at 39°, so the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves are NOT affected.

The freeze-thaw cycle triggers cell death in the targeted fat cells. Fat calls shrivel up and die. Over several weeks, the body sweeps those cells away.

Those fat cells are gone forever!
Jennifer’s CoolSculpting Journey
Jennifer is a woman in her late 40’s. She is going to be the Mother of the Bride and wants to do something for herself. Watch as she pursues CoolSculpting treatment to get into the sleeveless dress of her dreams.
What to expect from CoolSculpting Elite at DocPeff’s.
1. PERSONALIZED PLAN. Pursue a transformation plan specifically tailored to YOUR goals. There is no “one size fits all.” You know what you want to achieve. We’re here to help you do it.
2. NO PRESSURE. Dr. Peffley is a physician … not a sales agent. You are a patient … not a customer or client. Pursuing Coolsculpting Elite is a PERSONAL decision. YOU know what is right for you. It’s our job to make sure you have all the information you need to make the decision that is right for you. No pressure, guilt, or gimmicks. Just open, honest communication. We’ll support you … no matter what.
3. CLEAR EXPECTATIONS. Dr. Peffley listens to your concerns and goals. Realistic expectations will be discussed when developing a personalized CoolSculpting Treatment to Transformation Plan. Most plans involve two treatments over 4-6 weeks. It can take up to 90 days from that last treatment to see your final results.
4. OPEN COMMUNICATION AND AVAILABILITY. Whether you’re just thinking about it, receiving treatment, or 2 months out from your CoolSculpting treatment, we are committed to answering your questions and putting your mind at ease. Our relationship doesn’t end when you walk out the door.
5. RELATIONSHIP BUILT ON TRUST. You’re going to get CoolSculpting because you want the results … not because we talk you into it. If you are reading this, you probably already know which way you’re leaning. Our job from here is to answer every one of your questions. That way, you feel comfortable and confident with your final decision.
Molly’s CoolSculpting Journey
Molly is a mom of two who is dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. She sought CoolSculpting to match her efforts in the gym to regain the flat belly she had prior to having children. Watch her CoolSculpting journey.
CoolSculpting Elite is FDA-approved to treat fat bulges in 9 areas of the body.
♥ Double Chin
♥ Bra Fat
♥ Upper arms, thighs, and Saddle Bags
♥ Muffin Top
♥ Belly
♥ “Dad bod” abs
♥ Love handles
♥ Moobs
♥ Double Chin
CoolSculpting Elite is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction that literally freezes away the number of fat cells in a treated area by 20 to 25%.
Before and After Photos